937 research outputs found

    Orden y Progreso en la Legislacion Mexicana de Aguas. 1910-1930

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    En estas páginas se presenta una revisión de la legislación de aguas en México entre 1877 y 1930. Se pretende establecer los cambios y continuidades habidos en un momento de transición como fueron los años anteriores y posteriores de la Revolución para entender si hubo una transformación radical al respecto.In these pages we present a revision of the legislation of waters in Mexico between 1877 and 1930. The objective is to analyse the changes that took place in a moment of transition as were the years before and after the Revolution and try to understand if there really was a radical transformation

    La historiografía de la independencia mexicana: una visión regional

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    This article focuses on the main historiographical trends on the Mexican process of independence since the middle of last century. In addition, a study of case is included to show the historiographical innovations because the interest woken up by local history. Concretely, we studied the case of Puebla in order to demonstrate that its participation in the process was tied not only to a longing of strengthening the local power opposite to the capital of the monarchy, but also for its opposition to the viceroyalty.En este artículo se presentan las principales tendencias historiográficas que desde mediados del siglo pasado hay sobre el proceso de independencia mexicano. Además se incluye un estudio de caso para ejemplificar las innovaciones que se han producido en la historiografía gracias al interés despertado por la historia local. Concretamente, se estudia el caso de Puebla para demostrar que su participación en el proceso estuvo ligada no sólo a un anhelo de fortalecer su poder local frente a la capital de la monarquía sino también por su rivalidad frente a la capital del virreinato

    Individual Differences and Instructed Second Language Acquisition: Insights from Intelligent Computer Assisted Language Learning

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    The present dissertation focuses on the role of cognitive individual difference factors in the acquisition of second language vocabulary in the context of intelligent computer assisted language learning (ICALL). The aim was to examine the association between working memory and declarative memory and the learning of English phrasal verbs in a web-based ICALL-mediated experiment. Following a pretest-posttest design, 127 adult learners of English were assigned to two instructional conditions, namely meaning-focused and form-focused conditions. Learners in both conditions read news texts on the web for about two weeks; learners in the form-focused condition additionally interacted with the texts via selecting multiple-choice options. The results showed that both working memory and declarative memory were predictive of vocabulary acquisition. However, only the working memory effect was modulated by the instructional context, with the effect being found exclusively in the form-focused condition, and thus suggesting the presence of an aptitude-treatment interaction. Finally, findings also revealed that learning during treatment in the form-focused group was nonlinear, and that paying attention to form and meaning simultaneously impeded global reading comprehension for intermediate, not advanced learners. From a theoretical perspective, the findings provide evidence to suggest that individual differences in both working memory and declarative memory affect the acquisition of lexical knowledge in ICALL-supported contexts. Methodologically, the current study illustrates the advantages of conducting interdisciplinary work between ICALL and second language acquisition by allowing for the collection of experimental data through a web-based, all-encompassing ICALL system. Overall, the present dissertation represents an initial attempt at characterizing who is likely to benefit from ICALL-based interventions

    The role of feedback and instruction on the cross-situational learning of vocabulary and morphosyntax:Mixed effects models reveal local and global effects on acquisition

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    First language acquisition is implicit, in that explicit information about the language structure to be learned is not provided to children. Instead, they must acquire both vocabulary and grammar incrementally, by generalizing across multiple situations that eventually enable links between words in utterances and referents in the environment to be established. However, this raises a problem of how vocabulary can be acquired without first knowing the role of the word within the syntax of a sentence. It also raises practical issues about the extent to which different instructional conditions – about grammar in advance of learning or feedback about correct decisions during learning – might influence second language acquisition of implicitly experienced information about the language. In an artificial language learning study, we studied participants learning language from inductive exposure, but under different instructional conditions. Language learners were exposed to complex utterances and complex scenes and had to determine the meaning and the grammar of the language from these co-occurrences with environmental scenes. We found that learning was boosted by explicit feedback, but not by explicit instruction about the grammar of the language, compared to an implicit learning condition. However, the effect of feedback was not general across all aspects of the language. Feedback improved vocabulary, but did not affect syntax learning. We further investigated the local, contextual effects on learning, and found that previous knowledge of vocabulary within an utterance improved learning but that this was driven only by certain grammatical categories in the language. The results have implications for theories of second language learning informed by our understanding of first language acquisition as well as practical implications for learning instruction and optimal, contingent adjustment of learners’ environment during their learning

    Optimized plant distribution and 5S model that allows SMEs to increase productivity in textiles

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    In Peru, the Textile sector generates between 350 and 400 thousand direct jobs, representing 1.9% of Gross domestic product (GDP) and just over 10% of manufacturing. SMEs are characterized by being formed by family businesses, low levels of investment in new technologies and limited financial resources. This context has made SMEs are delayed compared to large companies in implementing Lean Manufacturing. Manufacturing textile companies that have problems with low productivity, excessive use of physical space, unnecessary movement and transport, use the tools of Lean Manufacturing and distribution plant for solving these problems. Many of the problems found in companies are related to the disorganization of processes, material flow and layout. Therefore, companies have seen the need to apply different strategic tools to help them increase the efficiency of their processes and become more competitive in their market. Among the strategic tools is the Lean Manufacturing. Several authors conclude that the plant distributions that SMEs have are not correct for increased productivity, however, the improvement models presenting lack information on how to create step by step a new layout of the company. Because of this, this article details the steps that SMEs can follow in search for a plant distribution model under the SLP tool

    Tito Didio, un "Homo Novus" en la cima de la República

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    El ascenso de Tito Didio, un personaje que alcanzó las más altas cotas de poder y el reconocimiento de sus iguales, parece insólito en un mundo dominado por políticos procedentes de familias con gloriosos antepasados. Sin embargo, además de los méritos militares y políticos que tuvo Didio, observamos que el desempeño de altas magistraturas por parte de políticos y generales sin antepasados fue más frecuente de lo que parece en aquellos años. La excesiva competencia personal, la acumulación de poderes extraordinarios y la polarización política en diversas facciones, con gran influencia en los nombramientos de magistrados, son las razones por las cuales Didio pudo medrar en una década en la que empezaron a resquebrajarse los principios que habían mantenido a la República durante los cuatro siglos anteriores

    Apuntes sobre historiografía y técnicas de investigación en la historia ambiental mexicana

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    En este documento de trabajo se presentan las principales líneas de investigación abiertas por los historiadores mexicanistas en historia ambiental. También se analizan las diferentes técnicas de investigación utilizadas por estos autores y se comentan algunas líneas de investigación que aún no han sido abordadas. Con este análisis se pretende responder a una serie de preguntas generales: ¿es posible hacer una historia aplicada? ¿Puede la historia colaborar en la investigación sobre problemas ambientales? ¿Puede incidir en la toma de decisiones y en la puesta en marcha de políticas públicas?This paper presents the principal lines of investigation opened by the historiography about Mexico in environmental history. Also there are analyzed the different technologies of investigation used by these authors and are commented some lines of investigation that still have not been approached. With this analysis it is tried to answer to a series of general questions: is it possible to do an applied history? Can history collaborate in the investigation on environmental problems? Can it affect the decision making and the implementation of public policies

    Centralización o descentralización; gestión pública o privada de un “bien escaso”: historiografía sobre el agua en la ciudad de México en los siglos XIX y XX

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    Essay about the management of the water in Mexico City during XIX and XX centuries. It reviews the most significant titles from the Porfiriato to our days with special interest in the most recent bibliography in the discussion around the paper that must have the State and the local governments in the control of the water. It treats to respond to the question if the water must be considered like merchandise or a human right, using the arguments of the defenders of one and the other idea.Ensayo historiográfico en torno a la gestión del agua en la ciudad de México en los siglos XIX y XX. Se revisan los títulos más significativos desde el Porfiriato a nuestros días, con especial interés en la bibliografía más reciente centrada en la discusión en torno al papel que deben tener el Estado y los gobiernos locales en el control y organización de la distribución de ese líquido tan necesario. Se trata de responder a la pregunta de si el agua debe ser considerada como mercancía o como derecho, utilizando los argumentos de los defensores de una y otra idea

    Apuntes sobre historiografía y técnicas de investigación en la historia ambiental mexicana

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    En este documento de trabajo se presentan las principales líneas de investigación abiertas por los historiadores mexicanistas en historia ambiental. También se analizan las diferentes técnicas de investigación utilizadas por estos autores y se comentan algunas líneas de investigación que aún no han sido abordadas. Con este análisis se pretende responder a una serie de preguntas generales: ¿es posible hacer una historia aplicada? ¿Puede la historia colaborar en la investigación sobre problemas ambientales? ¿Puede incidir en la toma de decisiones y en la puesta en marcha de políticas públicas?This paper presents the principal lines of investigation opened by the historiography about Mexico in environmental history. Also there are analyzed the different technologies of investigation used by these authors and are commented some lines of investigation that still have not been approached. With this analysis it is tried to answer to a series of general questions: is it possible to do an applied history? Can history collaborate in the investigation on environmental problems? Can it affect the decision making and the implementation of public policies